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Washington, D.C. –Representative Scott DesJarlais (TN-04) issued the following statement after voting against the Budget Control Act:
“After careful consideration, I ultimately decided that I could not vote in favor of the Budget Control Act.
“I was elected to Congress to address the substantial fiscal challenges that face our nation. Our federal government has buried us under a mountain of job-crushingdebt that is threatening our future.
“For too long Washington has been kicking this problem down the road. We have now come to the point where we are out of road.
“If we want to create jobs and boost our economy, we have to address our spending and debt now. That means both substantial and immediate cuts.
“I’m terribly disappointed by the actions of President Obama and Senate Democrats. Rather than being partners with us in cutting spending, they have chosen to block any attempt by House Republicans to enact crucial spending reductions that will get our fiscal house in order.
“Clearly, we cannot continue business as usual and it is now time for President Obama and Senate Democrats to come to that realization.”