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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Scott DesJarlais issued the following statement today, after voting in the House of Representatives for a budget resolution to begin Obamacare repeal:

“The President’s health care law has failed. Millions initially lost their private insurance plans. Millions more are losing them as state exchanges crumble and employers drop coverage. Premiums and deductibles have skyrocketed, while new taxes and regulations are destroying small businesses and jobs. Obamacare’s price tag is double what its supporters promised, yet 30 million will remain uninsured. The law even cuts Medicare for seniors. Repealing it is an excellent first step to health care reform, followed by a plan that emphasizes lower costs, greater choice and better care for all Americans.”

This week, the Senate also voted for the budget resolution, known as “reconciliation,” fast-tracking repeal legislation to the President’s desk.  President-elect Donald Trump, who has pledged to help repeal and replace Obamacare, takes office next week. Rep. DesJarlais (TN-04) is a physician and member of the GOP Doctors Caucus.

