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“Our budget will achieve balance by making common sense spending cuts and reforms and by repealing President Obama’s onerous health care law. Most importantly, our budget keeps the promises we made to our seniors by modernizing Medicare so that it remains sustainable for current retirees, while ensuring future generations will also benefit from this important program. 

“There is simply no denying that we cannot continue down the road of trillion dollar deficits. It is not politics; it is math. Eventually, irresponsible government spending will lead to an economic collapse. The good news is that we have a plan to provide a brighter future for our country, but we must have the courage to follow it.

“I want to thank Chairman Ryan for his leadership on this issue and steadfast commitment to putting this country back on a fiscally sustainable track. There are those in Washington who see a crisis solely as an opportunity to score political points and those that see a crisis and are compelled to find a solution. Paul has proven time and time again that he is certainly the latter.”