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“I want to thank these individuals for agreeing to come before our committee to testify about what actually occurred before, during and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks,” said Representative DesJarlais. “I hope their appearance will inspire others who have direct knowledge about what really happened in Benghazi but are not willing to testify for fear of retaliation at the hands of their employers to come forth and publicly share their stories. We have already seen the numerous inconsistencies in the White House’s version of events surrounding this attack and I suspect this hearing will further bring to light attempts made by the Obama administration to distort the facts.”
Congressman DesJarlais is available for Interviews before and after the hearing.
Mr. Mark Thompson
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism
US Department of State
Mr. Gregory Hicks
Foreign Service Officer and former Deputy Chief of Mission/Chargé d’Affairs in Libya
US Department of State
Mr. Eric Nordstrom
Diplomatic Security Officer and former Regional Security Officer in Libya
US Department of State
In October 2012, the Oversight Committee held the first hearing on the Benghazi attacks, which exposed denials of security requests and forced the Administration to acknowledge that the attacks were not sparked by a protest of a YouTube video, contrary to claims made by Obama Administration officials.
*** NOTE: Press seating will be reserved, but limited. Please arrive early (hearing room will open to press at 10:30 AM) to guarantee a seat. An overflow area will be available. ***