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This annual award is given to members of the House and Senate who scored in the top twenty percent on a wide range of issues important to grassroots conservatives during the second session of the 112th Congress. The award was presented to Congressman DesJarlais by ACU Chairman Al Cardenas. 

“Limited government, balanced budgets and a respect for our Constitution should not just be talking points for politicians to use during the election season,” said Congressman DesJarlais. “Rather, they are fundamental principles that we as Republicans must not waiver from. When I ran for Congress, I made a promise to the people of Tennessee’s Fourth Congressional District that I would never let inside the beltway politics come before the conservative values that together we hold. I will continue my fight to return our federal government to one that works for the people – not Washington’s political elite.”

“On behalf of our entire Board of Directors, I applaud and thank the many Senators and Representatives who achieved perfect or high scores on our 2012 ACU Ratings of Congress,” said Chairman Cardenas. “Their unwavering commitment to our shared conservative principles stands in stark contrast to the liberals in Washington who continue to want an expanded role for government at taxpayers’ expense.”

The American Conservative Union is the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots conservative organization and has annually graded Members of Congress based on their votes on key conservative issues since 1971.

The full guide can be accessed and downloaded here. A high resolution of Congressman DesJarlais receiving the ACU Ratings Award is attached and can also be downloaded here.