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Representative DesJarlais Visits Businesses in Manchester, Tennessee as Part of Tennessee Job Creators Tour
August 24, 2011
Creating jobs for Tennesseans is a top priority for Representative Scott DesJarlais (TN-04). In March, the Congressman embarked on a district-wide “Tennessee Job Creators” tour as part of an effort to receive direct feedback from local business owners and workers. During this fact-finding tour, Rep. DesJarlais will be meeting with businesses of all sizes from a variety of industries, to receive direct feedback from proven job-creators in the Fourth Congressional District on what federal policies are helping or hurting businesses as they strive to expand and create jobs.
“During these difficult economic times, we simply cannot afford to let Washington bureaucrats impose unnecessary regulations that stifle job creation,” said Representative DesJarlais. “It is my hope that by working with those who have a proven record of creating jobs, we can find the right role for Washington – a role that helps businesses to thrive. It is critical that we find solutions that will increase the number of jobs and not the size of the federal government.”
On Friday, August 26, DesJarlais will be in Manchester, Tennessee to meet with Newell Rubbermaid and VIAM Manufacturing, Inc.
Newell Rubbermaid
831 Volunteer Parkway
Manchester, TN 37355
10:30 – 11:15 am CST
VIAM Manufacturing, Inc.
157 Park Tower Drive
Manchester, TN 37355
11:30-12:15pm CST
*These events are open press, but are not open to the general public.
Additionally, the congressman is participating in the “Listening to America’s Job Creators” program launched by the Committee on Oversight and Government Affairs, one of the three committees that DesJarlais is serves on. Individuals in the Fourth District that are interested in joining the conversation job creation can provide input by visiting the congressman’s Web site,, and clicking on the “Listening to America’s Job Creators” button on the homepage. A form will be provided where constituents can identify federal government regulations they’ve encountered– either as a business owner or an employee – that impede the growth and success of their business.
At the conclusion of the “Tennessee Job Creators” tour, Congressman DesJarlais’ office will be compiling a report using information gained from business owners in his district, as well as from submissions received through the Web site, to present to his colleagues on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
A September 2010 Small Business Administration reportconcluded that federal regulations cost U.S. businesses $1.75 trillion each year. To put this figure in perspective, the cost equates to an average of $8,086 per employee in 2008, with small businesses facing an even higher than average burden. This has made the path to economic revitalization and job creation riddled with unnecessary barriers.