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Representative Scott DesJarlais (TN-04) issued the following statement after voting against the Budget Control Act of 2011:
“As I’ve said from the beginning, I will not votein favor of a bill to raise the debt-limit that does not contain the necessary spending cuts and reforms that will prevent our nation’s debt from continuing to grow in an unsustainable manner.
“My constituents sent me to Washington, D.C. to tackle our budget crisis and put America back on the track to fiscal sanity. I hear every day from families in Tennessee’s Fourth District that they want the federal government to make tough spending choices, just like they have to do at home.
“While I cannot support this legislation, I think it is important to recognize that we have fundamentally changed the debate in Washington fromhow much we can spend to how much spending we can cut. Together we have forced Senate Democrats and President Obama to finally come to grips with the fact that we cannot borrow our way to prosperity.
“We must build upon this momentum and continue to fight for substantial spending cuts that will put America on a path to a balanced budget and solve our job-killing debt problem.”