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Representative Scott DesJarlais (R-TN-04) issued the following statement on Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI-01) fiscal year 2012 House budget resolution:
“I applaud Chairman Ryan and my colleagues on the Budget Committee for the excellent work they did in developing the Republican Fiscal Year 2012 budget. This is the sort of bold action that the American people expect and deserve. Our nation can’t continue to spend money that we don’t have and borrowing from other countries is simply not a sustainable fiscal plan. Unfortunately, it seems that Democrats are content with maintaining the status quo, leaving the Republicans to lead the charge in addressing our debt crisis – a responsibility that we are more than willing to accept.
“The Washington practice of kicking the can down the road stops now. This budget shows that we will make the tough decisions to ensure that our nation’s future is fiscally sustainable and that we will not leave our children and grandchildren with a crushing mountain of debt.
“We were elected to make difficult decisions for the good of our country, and that is what we’ll continue to do. While I might not agree with every single proposed cut, there is no longer an option to ignore trillion-dollar deficits.”
Key Facts on Chairman Ryan’s budget:
- Cuts $6.2 trillion in spending from the president's budget over the next 10 years, reduces the debt as a percentage of the economy, and puts the nation on a path to paying off our national debt;
- Brings federal spending to below 20% of gross domestic product (GDP) and reduces deficits by $4.4 trillion;
- A study just released by the Heritage Center for Data Analysis projects that “The Path to Prosperity” will help create nearly one million new private-sector jobs next year, bring the unemployment rate down to 4% by 2015, and result in 2.5 million additional private-sector jobs in the last year of the decade;
- Will spur economic growth, with $1.5 trillion in additional real GDP over the decade;
- According to Heritage's analysis, it would result in $1.1 trillion in higher wages and an average of $1,000 in additional family income each year.