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Washington, D.C. –Congressman Scott DesJarlais (TN-04) delivered remarks on the House floor today during consideration of H.R. 2. The following are Congressman DesJarlais’ remarks as prepared for delivery:

“As a practicing physician for nearly two decades in Tennessee, I stand before you as an expert witness to the failures of a government run health care model. ObamaCare takes the problems I’ve seen in my home state and expands them to a national level.

“This bill raises taxes, increases spending and will add 701 billion dollars to the federal deficit. Most importantly, ObamaCare will ultimately end up restricting patient’s access to quality health care by placing a Washington bureaucrat between patients and their doctors

“Moving forward, we do offer solutions to our nation’s health care system. We must work toward reducing the waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare and instituting meaningful tort reform, thus decreasing the practice of defensive medicine. We can accomplish these goals without the creation of a giant new federal bureaucracy.

“By voting to repeal this unnecessary health care bill we will effectively put a stop to the creation of a massive entitlement program that we did not ask for, we do not need and we cannot afford.”

Click here for a video of Congressman DesJarlais delivering remarks on the House floor.