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National Journal has ranked Representative Scott DesJarlais, M.D. (TN-04) as the fourth most conservative member of the United States House of Representatives and the most conservative member of the Tennessee delegation. The rankings can be found here:

“I promised my constituents I would be an independent, conservative voice in Congress and every day I work to meet that promise,” said Representative DesJarlais. “Talking the talk is not enough; Tennessee’s Fourth Congressional District expects their Member of Congress to fight for the conservative principles we hold despite political pressure from the Washington establishment. Serving the folks of the Fourth District is truly an honor and I look forward to continuing our fight against the big government policies that have hurt job creation and landed us in more than $17 trillion of debt.”

Last week, Congressional Quarterly ranked Representative DesJarlais in the top five Republican Members of the House of Representatives who vote in opposition to President Barack Obama. Click here to view: